Monday, September 22, 2008

Extreme Nature

This is a project that you can work on at home, too. It will give you more time at school to get your PowerPoint made.
Extreme Nature
Here is a great site for our research:
Another site for recent hurricanes/tropical storms:
(use slide show photos)


Anonymous said...

I remember about the extreme nature progect from last year when I was in your class. I was partnered with Shane. We did our project on tornados, it was really fun and exciting. anyways, I just wanted to remind you what I did last time. Forever your old student,Taylor Lynn Shuman

P.s.... you are the best teacher I ever had!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Finkle,
How yuh been?Oh my god I remember doing this activity during class,i got paired up with tyler I belive "Oh gosh that wasnt very good", is what i thought!But he ended up being an ecxelent Partner. I miss doing all those power points,i had alot of fun decorating the slides.Here in mw we dont do much,its much easier than i thought.I really miss your class,ive been looking through the year book you gave us in 5th grade and i jst say,"Oh theres crazy Mr.finkle" jk.Those pic. really bring back good times.Hope to help out in your class sometime.
(The girl of the braclets),Perla celeste M.

P.S Me && Karen still talk haha && we got our styles going still;)