Sunday, May 18, 2008

Young Sam Gribley tries to live in the woods with only his diary and a few animals for company. These animals include Frightful, the falcon; The Baron Weasel; and Jessie C James, a racoon. My Side of the Mountain is the story of how Sam survivies in the wilderness. Use the links provided and begin The My Side of Mountain Internet Scavanger Hunt. To begin the Scavanger Hunt, click the following link. Good Luck! If you have any questions or you have survived the Scavanger Hunt then please post your comments.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear MrFinkle,
this is the first time ive gone on tour blog since school. i just got my star student report today. i got advanced in all subjects except for science but ive noticed something you havent updated your blog see ya next year.

your frind
Zchary Coffey

Anonymous said...

My side of the mountain great book no wait FANTISTIC book. In fact I'm reading it right now well not this second, but in school. I really liked the scavenger hunt. bye
Your pal,
Taylor Shuman