Monday, April 7, 2008

Here's a webcite to practice your decimal division.
Let me know if you score a touchdown!


Anonymous said...

Dear,M.r Finkle I realy like the Football game you put on the blog I have a lot of fun playing.

Anonymous said...

dear. mr finkle
touchdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the game disivon football is sometimes hard but i figure it out. i got 6 points. mc

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Finkle i luv this game . I hve made 6 touchdwns on superbrain mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock on!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Finkle,
The football game is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sometimes it is hard but I get it your student k.a

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Finkle,
I really love this game it is awesome. I'm glad you put it on the blog.
Your student, T.L.S