Monday, February 25, 2008

Try this site and watch your measurement power grow.. Tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

dear mr.finkle

your game is tricky, but now i got it a little.

your pal mc

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Finkle I won the Area game,but I can't win the perimeter game.The games are FUN.from Ar

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. finkle
the perimter game, on the first on level three the probolom awnser is 30 but if you type in the correct awnser it says its wrong and really start to make me mad

Anonymous said...

this is a great cite that kids can learn from


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Finkle, I love this game. It is fun. I guess that is why they call it funbrain. I just can't seem to get the perimeter. But I can get the area.

Your old pal, Taylor
Initals: T.L.S